Helping Your Child Overcome Embarrassment

Find ways to help your child deal with embarrassing situations, boost confidence and improve their self-esteem.

Why Does My Child Feel Anxious About Leaving Me?

5 helpful tips if your child is anxious about being separated from you

4 Simple Ways to Support Your Child With Exams

Learn how to support your teenager as they revise for their exams, on the day, and wait for their results.

5 Ways to Help Your Child With Climate Anxiety

Understand why your child feels worried about the environment and 5 ways you can support them

10 Ideas When Your Teen Struggles With Sadness

Are they just unhappy or could it be depression? Find out how to support your sad teenager.

Understanding School Non-Attendance

Understand why your child feels they can’t go to school with helpful ideas to best support them

Understanding Anxious Feelings and How to Help

Understand why your child has anxious feelings and simple ways to help them cope with worries

How to Help Your Child With Feeling Insecure

From body image worries to feeling like a failure, find ways to help your child build their confidence.

Persistent Absence | Debs Kemp

Debs Kemp talks to Clare about anxiety around attending school and possible reasons for not attending.

Anxiety & Behaviour | Jojo Aligwekwe

Josephine Aligwekwe talks to Clare about anxiety and the impact it has on children’s and young people’s behaviour.

Refer A Friend

Refer a friend to My Family Coach to help them find the advice they’re looking for.