Reading time: 3 minutes
Suitable for: Families of primary-age children
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Starting at a new school is an enormous move for your child. They like familiar routines and it will take them some time to get used to things being different, but there are lots of things you can do to help your child change schools successfully.
Children can change school for a variety of reasons:
- Moving home
- Transition from infants to juniors, or primary to secondary school
- Friendship issues or bullying at their previous school
- Specific educational needs
- Unhappiness with their previous school
- Challenges around behaviour
You can help your child change schools, even if they’ve had negative experiences in the past.
1: Saying goodbye to their old school
When something ends, it’s good to get closure and a sense of it having finished. You can help your child focus on positive experiences, rather than concentrating on any problems that have caused the move to happen.
They could:
- Write a card to their classmates and any staff they felt close to
- Create a memory book full of special items and messages
- Make a photo album
- Swap contact details with friends
Finding a sense of closure is an important step in moving on and looking forward to starting a fresh experience at a new school.
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