Behaviours That Challenge | Sarah Johnson

behaviours that challenge podcast

This week, our guest expert is Sarah Johnson, and she's talking about behaviours that can challenge us as parents.

Sarah has worked in education for 19 years. She’s a teacher and has worked in mainstream schools, Pupil Referral Units, Alternative Provision, and psychiatric in-patient services. Sarah is Head of Behaviour and Inclusion in a London Borough, representative on an executive board of Youth Offending Service, as well as being the Director of Phoenix Education Consultancy.

We start every episode by asking our guests to tell us about a book they’re reading. However, as Sarah is a new mum to two 8-week-old babies, she isn’t reading a book at the moment, unless it’s about getting little ones to go to sleep! Sarah’s own book is called Behaving Together in the Classroom. Here’s a link to the book.

Sarah was asked to share her three top tips with us, but she said she didn’t have any tips for us. This is because she believes every family and every circumstance is different. However, she did have these 5 points to make:




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