angry child making a fist

What Can I Do When My Child Feels Angry? - Free Class

Tuesday, 4th June 2024


Our monthly class gives you the opportunity to ask questions about your child’s behaviour and listen to expert ideas and inspiration.

Event Details

This month’s theme is: How to support your child if they feel angry


If your child often gets angry, and you struggle to know how to best help them calm down, this is the class for you. We’ll share ideas to help you spot the warning signs that your child is getting distressed, along with simple ways to calm down emotionally-charged situations.


In this class, you will learn about:


  • What happens to our bodies when we feel angry and why children can struggle to recognise their own emotions
  • Signs that your child is becoming angry and strategies you can use to help them calm down before they feel out of control
  • How you can help them calm down in a safe way

Book your space on this class

Click the button below to register for this free webinar which is held on Zoom. 

How to ask a question?

Email your questions in advance to We try to answer as many questions as possible during each class, but the earlier you get your question in, the more likely they will be answered during the class.

What to expect?

The class will be hosted by one of our behaviour experts. They will start the session with a short introduction to share their extensive experience with you.

Then it’s time to talk about this month’s theme and the questions we’ve received from you. Do remember to email these to us before the class. You’ll hear lots of practical and helpful ideas to help you at home.

At the end of the session, our expert will share useful resources from the My Family Coach website linked to this month’s theme and tell you about our next events.

About your host

Gary Nicholls is an experienced headteacher and Team Teach trainer. He has over 30 years of experience working with schools and families and is a behaviour management advisor. Gary is also one of our coaches at My Family Coach.

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