Bullying & Behaviour | Lauren Seager-Smith

Lauren talks to Clare about bullying and how to support children of all ages if they’re being bullied.

Behaviour & Additional Needs | Dr Claire Conlon

Dr Claire Conlon talks to Clare about understanding and supporting behaviours shown by children with additional needs.

Mental Health & Behaviour | Beth Francis

Beth talks to Clare about how mental health and how young people struggle to understand and manage the emotions going on inside them.

Talking to Your Child’s Secondary School 

Helpful tips on how to have positive conversations with your child’s secondary school.

Stereotypes & Behaviour | Nic Ponsford

Nic talks to Clare about gender and stereotypes, particularly for girls, and how these might influence behaviour.

Anger & Behaviour | Rachel Thynne

Rachel talks to Clare about anger and shares simple ways to help your child calm down when they feel angry.

Behaviours That Challenge | Sarah Johnson

Expert guest, Sarah Johnson, talks about behaviours that can challenge us as parents. She explains how we can really notice what’s going on and decide the best way to respond.

Language & Behaviour | Trish Hicken & Emma Broddle

Trish and Emma explain how you can help your child talk about their emotions so they recognise how they are feeling.

Respectful Conversations | Dr Emma Clarke

Dr Emma Clarke explains the importance of quality conversations, and how to be “respectfully confident” when talking with your children.

Difficult Conversations | Debs Kemp

Debs Kemp shares a simple and effective way to start conversations about difficult topics with your child.

Refer A Friend

Refer a friend to My Family Coach to help them find the advice they’re looking for.